hey this is dave from dna reptilia and today we're going to look at our ball pythons a different way this is a video i actually wanted to make for a long time not really it's an idea has been in my head for a long time and i finally got something to help me do it this is a thermal imaging camera that you can attach to your smartphone i have my old galaxy s7 edge do believe it's a micro usb so i got the micro usb version so that i can connect it to this instead of the usbc of my note 9 the usb cm 909 is not really working so well so that's another reason why i got the micro usb now you may be wondering what is a thermal imaging camera like what you saw in the intro it gives you a actual photo video or photograph of what the thermals actually look like visually so then you can really see where take for instance you can go up to a window you can see where the cold draft is or where it's hot you can see if your seal around your refrigerator is leaking and also you can check your air conditioning system to see where there is leaks in your hvac cold spots or hot spots depending on what time of the year it is but today we're gonna look at our ball pythons and their enclosures to see how they actually see their enclosures i have three brands of enclosures i have sea serpent some adult racks i have a freedom breeder fb70 rack and i also have the vision hatchling rack the hatchling rack uses heat cable people have asked me numerous times is those two little runs of heat cable gonna be enough to actually make the bottom of the tubs warm enough well i'm on season two of uh hatching ball pythons and all last year it was doing fine i still have some of last year's hatchlings still down there that i'm holding back and i'm curious about the vision v70 tubs which has the same size heat tape which is i do believe the four inch as my fb40 tubs that the rack that i made comparing how large the hotspot actually is does it go all the way across or just in the middle how far from the back what is the gradient what visually is the gradient in our ball python tops is it like a super hot spot and then it goes right to cold right away or does it get colder the farther you get towards the front all right this is ac aquara aqua however i'll put a link down in the description or put the name up here but i have a temperature sensor in the snake room as you can see it is maybe 76 76 degrees in this room right now so what that should mean is all my cold spots in all the tubs should be at least 76 degrees yes this room is a little warm compared to the rest of the house it's because i have the vent actually closed a little bit we will see what it actually looks like in the snake tub now guaranteed all right so let's get on with this and show you some information visually there it is there i am automatically loads the program so you don't have to load it now i have it set to actually take video so whatever audio is going to be better depends on if that camera is going to catch it well or if this is going to catch it better we'll see because the flare will actually use the microphone to add the audio from me to the video on the phone we are gonna do
C Serpents Rack:
sea serpent rack that oh the bottom tub is empty there's no snake in it there's also no bedding in it so we're going to open it up directly inside 76 hot spots in the back so that's where the tape was 93 degrees you can see exactly the temperature gradient so it actually drops off pretty quick i'm probably okay if that's where it's the hottest and then 84 degrees is here i'd say that's about two inches yeah it's kind of funny you can see i can draw with my finger so it actually drops temperature pretty darn quick since sea serpent runs up the side on one side heats up one side not the other now we'll look at the tub up which is a blackhead he's 87 degrees and his bedding is about 90 89.90 you can actually see the gradient of the temperature of the tub that's a sea serpent tub all right next up we're gonna do the fb40 tubs with the heat tape that i actually put on the back um it's about eight inches or four or five inches from the back but i used four inch heat tape and i only i only used about 10 inches of it compared because the bottom tub is only 10 inches i don't need a whole foot but um let's check out this uh normal pastel girl and see what she looks like in infrared where's my hand there we go [Applause] quite cold there it goes see 81 degrees she's back there it's almost 81 degrees where she is she is about 85.86 yup she's soaking up that heat pretty good do a nice shot with gradient 77 see it's actually pretty abrupt and it's pretty even the rest of the way through so there is more or less a hot spot and that's about it there's a few inches in front and it drops down to room temperature so that's quite interesting temperature i set on these tubs since my thermal couple is actually on the heat tape i have these tubs set at um 102 right on underneath the heat tape and the sea serpent racks are set at 100 102.
Vision Rack:
this is probably one you guys been wondering quite a bit about vision rack vision rack i put this together with the heat cable with one space in between so it's heat cable space heat cable it's pretty sure that would be more than fine for the hatchlings which since i kind of cheated and i looked because i was curious myself about this rack um let's just say it was good results all right i have this rack set at 102 degrees also on a heat cable right now we're going to open up this tub i'm going to start this camera we're going to open up we got to find my hand there we go my hot hand there's nothing in here except the tub wow look at that 92 93 at the bottom of the tub subs all the way out you might be able to actually see it in the video there's about an inch or two for nothing there's one band two bands yep right there yeah that's about three inches that's equivalent to about three inches of heat tape all right now we'll show you one of the new hash wings pastel jigsaw right on a hot spot area the top of the bedding sitting at about 84 degrees recalibrated side of tubs are actually kind of warm which is nice 85 these actually have good ground good and granular heat distribution my thumb is holding the tub right now see that's why there's a hot spot inside but uh that's nice good heat distribution that's why some of my ball pythons in here like to sit in the middle this is really gradual wow all right do one more i think this is the pastel yeah this is just the pastel 80 degrees wow 79 it's cold way up front oh pastel's right there it's actually warmer back there behind them so i hate to say it but these fishing tubs actually um uh the temperature is uh pretty granular that was actually very nice to see makes me feel so much better about this rack um i've had it now for over a year so i probably will be able to give my final opinions on it pretty soon
Freedom Breeder Rack:
but next up is the freedom breeder fb 70 tubs now i actually do have one open tub of the fb70s the temperature on this rack is set at 103 and thermal couple is right on the heat tape underneath we're gonna go for that tub right there nothing in here look at that glow all right oh boy looks like someone needs to turn down the temperature multiple clutches in here but wow i checked that with a thermal gun with one of those normal um 15 see if same area doesn't even show oh it does show a light okay the light there shows 93 degrees now see it shows 94 degrees on here which isn't bad but it shows 100 degrees on here right there okay showing 93 degrees now actually see the variance in this i would technically trust this more than i would trust this so someone's going to be turning down the temperature pretty soon but yeah it's an abrupt change in these um we will go with jackie our girl that's actually going to be playing soon she is a big warm ball he's at 91.92 ain't too bad but right there is nice and toasty so you can see she's a big girl she's fully graphic she's due any day but it's an improper change hmm these bigger tubs must be harder to get a more granulate um heat distribution i mean yeah it's colder up here except for i touched it it looks hot because it's adjusting there's yeah it's only 78 degrees go back here 70 89 and her let's see okay get some of that in there i just turned down the temperature of the freedom breeder rack i mean i've had clutches come out of here before no issues i haven't touched that temperature since last year when i was doing the whole cooling no temperature up and i'm not gonna play with that anymore but um yeah i trust the flear way more than i trust this guy this guy was 17 the flare that goes onto a smartphone is roughly about two hundred dollars now if you want to get something like this that is a flir you're talking anywhere from 400 up to a thousand dollars depending on what you want to get you know how often are you going to actually use it this i'm going to use around the house and i can connect it to my smartphone as you can see i should take videos didn't take any photos of it because well i didn't need to because this is a video but um i learned a little bit and i shared it with you guys now we actually know how the grant the granular heat distribution actually is doing on these types of tub systems on the narrower tubs it looks like it's more granular on the big wider tubs it's more just a strip it it drops off really fast unless the snake is actually on it then they're actually spreading the heat out even more because well they're soaking up the extra heat from the hot spot and then spreading it out but um interesting might have to go up into abby's room next time and see what temperatures are in some of her other reptile enclosures but until then in order to find out if we actually do it you must subscribe to our youtube channel be really nice if you could share this video spread the knowledge and if you could leave a comment down below and hit that bell note that bell icon over on the side it helps out quite a bit but until next time this is dave from dna reptilia signing out