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My Water Monitor gets a new VISION CAGE and HE LOVES IT!!! Everyones getting Upgraded Finally :)

By Tyler Nolan on


sir how are you what are you doing cool dude got a new cage what the heck this thing is sweet bro this cage is drunk oh man got a new vision cage for the cats and richard psych psych knots it is big enough for you though rich but i would never put you in a cage you're way too freaking way too cute i love you what is going on guys what's up pepe what up dude chillin chillin bro that shirt is awesome always sort of mickey pretty tight that's a pretty funny shirt i like it so today guys look new vision cage model 734 it is 44 inches tall 80 inches long and 28 inches deep which is like 430 something gallons if this were to be a tank so it's pretty big it's going to be a great size for littlefoot for those of you that don't know littlefoot is my het black dragon that i got from nerd a year or so ago now i'm not really sure the locality on him because he's kind of small you'll see here in a minute yeah yeah he's smaller i don't dude the other ones are growing insane fast little foot i don't know if it's the cage that he's in because it's smaller i moved him out to this big cage we have a bunch of cages in my on my patio that i had him out at and it was just like too much for him he did not like being outside he was very fidgety all the time he was becoming aggressive he wasn't eating all sorts of things happened he hated it outside moved him back inside chilled out now he's back to being nice and handleable um he's eating like a champ yeah but he's really just not growing along but whatever hopefully this cage is gonna help him grow a little bit more so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set this cage up i got some aspen we got a heat light going on top i got a uv light also because we're gonna be putting some live plants in this cage we're not gonna go too crazy with it because it's a water

monitor every time i try to decorate these cages a lot it's just they're just very destructive they destroy everything they knock everything over they lift up their tails and they poop on everything like projectile just they're disgusting it's rough yeah you have to clean i clean these cages they're especially their water like every day every other day i walk into my house and my house will smell absolutely terrible because like it'll take a water and it's just it's disgusting so let's um let's get this cage set up first things first is i'm gonna set up these lights real fast now a lot of other vision cage videos that i've done setting up these cages some of the smaller ones i have in the snake room like the two footers the three footers even some of the four footers they have vents in the back of them but you still have to run the electrical through the top so i have a bunch of like light fixtures that i install inside of those cages that don't have big vents to put lights on so if they have lights like this though see how these are more open there's just bigger areas so there's just way more of a space to put a light so i don't really have to go in here and drill light fixtures i can just literally take a dome and just put my heat light right on the top right there i'm going to run a very short light cycle on this cage just because it's in my florida room in my house this is the room that i used to have taruken so there's windows everywhere so this room gets a lot of sunlight in the morning which is great that's why i positioned this cage right here because the sun that's east right there sun comes up over there every morning so the morning this room gets a lot of natural sunlight and it's awesome my cats love it yeah they lay down on their little cat tree and they soak up the sun they love doing that so the light hopefully they will hit this cage perfect in the morning too and he'll enjoy that as well this is gonna be a great room it's kind of like having him on my patio yeah it's gonna look great like i feel like he's gonna be very happy in this cage and then soon enough when i get my property i'll

try to move him again outside once he grows a little bit more so all right let's quit mumbling we're going to set up this cool light right here also so this is a terrace guys this is from exoterra thank you guys they sent this to me a while ago but i just haven't really had a use for it yet but i figured let's use it on this cage so we're gonna set this thing up right in the middle hopefully it'll be wide enough to reach both plants if not i'll have to figure it out this thing is pretty sweet though it comes with a little remote this is meant for live plants in aquariums and vivariums so hopefully this light and the sunlight coming in will be plenty fine for these little plants that i got i just got some little bushes from home depot super easy to take care of they're like low light plants so hopefully they do well on this page we'll figure it out i'm not really too good on my plant thing but that's right so that's nice and secure perfect let's get this cleaned up get the substrate in the cage so i've said in another video a while ago grapevine is really hard to find right now i don't know why maybe it's easier to find in other states but in south florida it's very hard to find and it's pretty expensive so if anybody knows where to find some let me know because i need a lot of it so we're going to just reuse the piece of grapevine that i have in little foot's cage now and then i'm just going to keep on looking i have a bunch of old bird perches in my garage which i kind of want to save because i'm going to need them eventually again but i kind of want to reuse it i don't know but let's just get this cage set up for now and we'll just keep upgrading it as we go we're using aspen today i went to home depot earlier and they are completely sold out of mulch which is pretty crazy and then i went to aces hardware they're also sold that much awesome but we just want to get this thing set up today so we can get him out of his old cage and into the new one finally so aspen betting it is oh i need a i need a freaking knife alex you got a blade oh thank you oh what the heck is this

this is not a knife bro give me just get rid of it you just keep this thing in your pocket yeah keep in my prison pocket you are gnarly don't be messing with pepe bro you'll get freaking shanked man we're probably gonna need like maybe half of this bag these aspen bedding comes pretty compressed so when you actually take it out of the bag it fluffs out a lot so let's just get this in there like that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah freaking weirdos dude this is freaking nice bro richie you see this thing oh next time you freaking destroy my house this is where you're going i'm just kidding i would never do that to rich he's such a sweet little boy grapevine so let's see if i can how the heck can i have it before kind of like that yeah it's pretty good so i use this piece kind of to hold up this big piece like that you know what i mean it's pretty it's pretty sturdy too so boom i'm just going to keep that like that i'm actually going to move it over here because this is where his heat light is so i want him to be able to you know kind of regulate his temperature like this so that way if he wants to be like less hot he can move down here if he wants to get right in the sunlight and get direct heat from this heat light right here you can just sit right here get nice and cooked up warm and happy i don't know where to put this maybe i can put this in the corner like this you know what i mean just for decoration it's not really sturdy enough for an animal like him to climb on it just adds some greenery to the cage makes it a little less boring of a setup you know what i mean kind of break break this tan crap up a bit that's why i put this uv light in here because hopefully it'll keep these plants alive hopefully they're partial outdoor light so in theory i feel like we're gonna be just fine all right so this water bowl tupperware container it's just temporary i want to get them a nice big one maybe put a pump on it for a filter but that's probably gonna get gross cause then it's just gonna it's disgusting whenever you have a pump or a filter on a pond that a water monitor is in it's just like gets clogged every day it's way better and easier it just makes more sense to just change the water out you know what i mean that's why the cage is outside they have open and closed valves on them i can just open up those valves drain the water out completely hose all the crap out of it close that valve up refill them fresh water same thing with this it's just easier to take it out dump it in the sink dump it outside change the water all right so last thing that we have to do to set this cage up is just put the glass on here and then get little foot out of that cage finally and put him in here and see how he likes it um so we're going to go ahead i'm going to grab the glass right now ron what are you doing dude excuse me sir i know you're just trying to help dude cats have to they have to like be involved with everything they're just like so nosy anytime i have a bag or a box or something like that they just go in it right away or any anything if i'm doing something or bring something new into the house they have to like look at it and inspect it and touch it or knock it off the counter or break it or eat it terrible all right so let's get this up here nice and carefully by myself because alex is filming here we go they're heavy one side look at that it's beautiful it's so beautiful thank you vision so much you guys really do rock like i i've been using vision cage forever like since i was a kid like i remember working at underground reptiles we used to call it the wall because one

of the walls is complete vision cages with all the snakes in it and i was my favorite thing to do during my days was to clean the snakeheads because it was either clean rat poop it was just clean the mammals clean that i would rather work with the snakes so i always wanted to do the wall but it was just like this big wall floor to ceiling with visions and i just loved the way that it looked like my snake room my snake room they're all stacked it's all very uniform it looks very professional they're easy to clean they're just the best of the best there's a lot of companies out there like them but they're just not even comparable vision is the og best one out there there we go oh my gosh all right perfect so now we got these glass panes in here these are little handles up here so we're just going to take these guys off put them in the middle on each side all right here we go one down right now make sure it's level i'm just eyeballing it because it's okay i'm a tap maker man i'm pretty good at eyeballing things that's what i do for a living so now i'm going to clean up this crap real fast and we're ready for little foot to go in there it looks pretty dang good it is nice and simple we got a place for him to hang out with oh i got a little high box my bad i think i actually even have a bigger one so i'm gonna go grab the bigger one before we put him in pretty sure there's a bigger one in the snake room that we're gonna use because he's he's a little bit bigger than this he's barely gonna fit under this one anymore so we're gonna excavate that go grab the bigger hide box and get a little foot out of the cage and see how he acts hopefully he doesn't bite me because he's getting a little bigger and a bite from him now it's not going to be too much fun especially seeing how last time he bit me he held on for like 20 minutes it would not let go of my finger so let's get this done all right little foot hello sir how are you would you like to come out of your cage and crawl on me don't bite me please i don't want to be bit by you today let me just go ahead and grab them like this richard leave a little foot alone he does not want to be messed with rich

that is always the thing you always want to make sure the cats the dog nobody's gonna mess with your animals and make them aggressive and scare them so let's come over here excuse me sir dude you got sharp claws a little foot all right mr little foot he's doing great man he's not like the black monitors outside like i would never be able to do this with lafonda she she would be trying to rip my fingers off already excuse me little sir what was that that wasn't even a park that was a chirp did you hear that little flint freaking crazy so now now that he's going to be in this big cage i could work with him a little bit easier walk right up to the cage get him to come out what i've been doing with him is i sit on my computer chair over there and every time i feed him normally i make him crawl out come onto my lap and then i hand feed him that way because he's doing a lot better now especially due to a huge difference from being outside to now inside again he's just back to being super chill before i remember remember when he got out of the cage he got out of the cage um a couple times like he snuck through this little crack that was in one of the cages and we found him on the patio two different occasions and he did not like it as soon as we found him we tried holding him and he just like he bit me he bit alex a few times but now it's been a while since he's tried to latch on to either one of us i'm not going to go ahead and jinx myself right now because then he's going to just bite me because that's how it always freaking works right but he's doing good as you can see he's not that big like he's got great body weight he eats a lot he's just not a huge lizard like he's a pretty decent he's just like a decent size which is cool because he's like very handable over this size but i want him to be huge so one day you will be big and strongly but that's why i called him little foot because he's freaking small so let's get him in his new cage and see how he likes it he's already acting pretty curious about it so let's see let's put you on

your branch look at that dude look how little he looks in this cage now that's so much better like i feel like he's gonna grow bigger in this cage when he was all antsy outside a lot of people that i was talking to about it was saying that maybe he was in too big of an enclosure so he didn't feel as safe as he would in a smaller cage but being in a smaller cage then he won't grow as fast as he would but you know what i mean there's just pros and cons to each side but i feel like this is going to be absolutely perfect for him this new vision model 734 guys thank you so much i love it littlefoot seems to be loving it i know he's only been there for a minute but he's going to just check things out maybe crawl up on his branch i still want to add some more foliage in the back and kind of spruce this tank up a little bit we're going to get rid of this aspen hopefully in the next week or two when home depot gets some mulch in well that is it thank you guys for watching vision thank you so much for sending me another cage i still have another six footer coming for the snake room so we'll do another video about setting up that that's going to be the new indigo cage which i'm super pumped for tyler check it out got a whole new merch company doing my thing we relaunched the website make sure you're following me on instagram also tyler nolan tattoos i still can't get my old instagram back they actually finally deleted it for me last week so now i was able to change it back from it was my backup account was tylenol and tattoo now it's tylenol and tattoos again so all my merch has terminal tattoo it's just like it's gonna be great now hopefully the next step is they'll verify me again and everything will be gucci so until next time guys i hope you liked the video vision make sure you check out vision down at the bottom i'll put the link for you guys go order one of these badass cages they have a lot of other things that they do as well they don't just build reptile cages they build bird bird aviaries they do all sorts of things great company what little foot's digging already in this cage gonna explore bro i hope you like it i'm gonna feed him here in a minute also just throw the food right on top of that high box pump so the aspen doesn't get stuck to it and that is it okay little let's go do the rest of the things we have to do today see you next time guys [Music] foreign  

About Tyler Nolan

Sunshine State Tattoo owner, Tyler Nolan, has been doing what he loves since 2005. He has won multiple awards among a long running list of conventions around the world, and is internationally recognized.

He is a pet owner and hobbyist as well, and owns a number of species of lizards such as iguanas, water monitors, and gila monsters; and venomous snakes, including bush vipers, cobras, false water cobras, Eastern Indigo snakes, puff adders, rattlesnakes, and more.

Check out Tyler Nolan Tattoo’s channel for some informative and exciting videos about venomous snakes and lizards!

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