Handling venomous/poisonous animals is dangerous and should only be performed by licensed professionals.
Owning venomous snakes, reptiles, etc. might not be legal in your State/County/City. Please contact your local DNR for more information.
[Music] what is going on guys I'm Tyler Nolan welcome to the show [Music] [Music] so today I got some new look I got a new setup I'm not showing you the whole snake room yet that's gonna be its own the video okay for now I'm still working on this cage I'm still working on this wall of cages right here this is on the south side of my room as you can see I stacked up these vision cages a little bit better I got two new cages over from Tom he gave me a couple of these other these are these are model two two one from vision like I said in the video before everybody always asks the cages that I use I have a couple other cages from one of my buddies that he made out of PVC which are dope but honestly dude nothing beats these Division cages these cages are built to last like some of these two footers even a couple of these three footers over here I've had some of these cages for like 15 20 years since I was kid working underground that's where I got they last forever made out of PVC plastic some something or other they're awesome vented in the back you just drill all my cages you see what I did here I just drill a little heat light fixtures inside of them put put thermostats but I use zoom ed thermostats on all my cages
just throw a thermostat on there and make sure they don't get too hot if you just get too hot it shuts off the electricity they're awesome can't beat it so I'm waiting on I ordered more from vision I'll put the link at the description below belly you can check out their site they got fat ass cages they sell racks they sell tools they sell water bowls they even sell the extra glass if you if you break the panes which I've done a couple times like this one right here is broken it's been broken for us to wear guys I've had this thing broken for like this stuff tapes been on there for 10 years so I ordered new glass everything is getting all freshened up I ordered a couple more of these cages I'm gonna get rid of it I built this little bottom part for the wall but I'm honestly I'm gonna get rid of it I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it on the floor so it's right here then I'm gonna stack some more cages because all my baby stuff is getting bigger and I have some new baby Cobras on the way in the next hopefully in the next week or two I'll be getting them I'm not gonna tell you what they are and I'm really really excited they're super rare cobras there's only a few people in the United States that even have them and I'm gonna be one of them so stay tuned for that I'm really stoked I've got a couple got a couple really like cobras that I've wanted my whole life I just you know as a kid you not able to afford them but now they're doing pretty good so today let's move some little baby snakes around that's the hole that's the whole point of this video I'm upgrading all my little snakes so as you guys know I keep a lot of my babies in these tubs at first so this is the safest way to keep a baby for the most part there's yes there's other things that you can keep baby snakes in but this is my favorite I like using Tupperware containers like this they're
sealed they're really hard to open there's like a drill tiny holes around them okay much better there's escape route I know that this animal is not getting out here they were little when I got them now they're getting a little bit bigger but it's time for these big puff adders to get new cages I didn't have a couple baby rattlesnakes that are also getting new cages today so let's let's do this real quick so these puff adders what I'm gonna do is I'm going to set up this cage today for them I have to baby puffs I'm gonna put them in here together puff adders a lot of snakes I don't really like keeping together because it's really hard to feed them together so with Cobras like if I were to keep my monocles together I do keep them together when I go to feed them it's very hard because one co girl grab the rat the other Cobra smells that Cobra they're very aggressive eaters they're very active they fly all over the place they'll fight the scene rat they'll kill they fight over food essentially puff adders the boon Vipers eyelash Vipers mousse of my viper de animals they stay in one spot grab their food and eat it right there okay so they're a lot easier to feed together because say I have 1 plus matter over here as long as they're apart from each other inside of the cage I can individually feed them and they'll be fine same thing with the gila monsters the gila monsters i have together yes the big gila monster will try to go grab the other dealer monsters food item but if they're apart from each other in the cages i can easily wash them and just regulate make sure he eats her she eats her food safely he's his food safely everybody gets along so with that said let's move these guys into the kitchen these guys out so
these are Tanzanian puff adders it's the East African puff adder I got these from Marc McCarthy they're beautiful especially this one right here now be very careful when you come close to this little creature because it is these are strikers beautiful little guys they're crazy strikers I'm surprised he hasn't struck at me yet really bad venom - bad bad bad bad bad you do not want to get tagged by a little puff this is honestly one of the things in my room that I definitely do not ever take any chances with because they are just fast little explosive Springs like that now I've done a couple feeding videos of them where you won't even see them underneath the substrate you just see that for their head and they just pop right out of the they pop right out and grab that prey item swallow it whole sick like this is a crazy little snake the first puff adder I ever had I was 18 years old when I got it he kept it at underground when I was working there as a kid and then when I was finally 18 I was able to take him home his name was murderface he was one of my favorite things i've ever had and then walk long long long time ago something happened and he's no longer with us but dude this is beautiful it's little snake is pump back typical you hear him huffing and puffing being crazy like that always on edge sick little stings are so bad so fast that it was crazy fast bro like I will never ever I saw my buddy Seth on Instagram know the
wild Hanbury if you guys ain't following him Seth awesome Seth posted a picture the other day he has a little baby Tanzanian puffs holding it in his hand like this baby puffs out her yo I'm good on that you won't ever see me doing that they can't be nice but this one is definitely not nice at all he's a little you're for sure put you in your new cage now you can see you can see inside the cage there's really not a whole lot for him to hide inside of there I've kept hide boxes with them before they don't really care too much about a hide box I just keep some to keep some plant keep some plants in there for him alright so even better spero hi box I'm gonna give them this little piece of cocoa bark bruise your head up just gotta gotta keep track of these other guys they're fast and they're really hard to see especially keeping him in this Aspen like this that's why I like to keep them in this it's just awesome for just contrast the way the colors of them camouflage very well that's pretty cool all right so let me grab the other puff adder show you what he looks like he's a little on the darker side all right so this is the other one now these came from the same clutch so same mother same pair also tanzanian but check out the colors on this so now this one instead of having those light tan color see this one's very hard to hook the other ones stayed on the hook pretty well this one's not going very well so this one you can see has more of a and be very careful has more of like a there's like almost a peach coloring on him see you could tell actually no this is a little female see how little that
tail is check this out see how tiny that little tail is right there the Chloe goes right there that's the tail very tiny little tail female I didn't mean it check the other guy let's see this just side by side maybe this one's a female I honestly don't remember okay so this one check it out so this one right here you see the cloaca right here see how it has a longer more slender tail that is a male so I didn't even know I had a pair or maybe I did before I just forgot but still yeah but the male it's crazy see how much better temper'd this female is she's chill she hasn't even really struck at me but this little male little firecracker you're crazy dude go in your cage oh yeah this little female hasn't even struck at me which is pretty cool so maybe I'm not even gonna maybe I could let me see let me push my luck here real quick alright so this little guy yeah way darker a little bit better temperament this one's not trying to not trying to do anything crazy look I could tail it like this I would never be able to do that with that male that's a great little shot right there these guys don't even have names maybe we can name them there's a male and female puff adders see what you guys come up with let's put you in your cage would you relax bro put your girlfriend in here man these guys are obviously way too little to even breed they can easily live together just fine yeah they look
great together guys doing good got the cage all done got the labels on there looking good all right thing but booms throw the walk on this thing oh good another thing people ask I'll put the link down below also these locks their showcase locks I get on Amazon they're like seven dollars each or ten dollars something like that inexpensive it worked great they all have the same key because before I had all these crazy locks at different locks over here different locks over here I had my keys color-coded with the locks I had a match the color with the thing pants dard all my old locks got these new showcase locks they all have the same key super freakin easy that's the puffers all right so now we're gonna give my little Eastern so this is a normal Eastern Diamondback that I have is Fattah sad mantis I bought him or I didn't buy him I was given him by je and a good friend of mine owns the jungle Drago for a bunch of my stuff also my two main places or underground reptiles in jungle keep in mind further myself Lord of people to best places you can go to so this little guy I got from the Jay he was confiscated by somebody and he wasn't doing very well so Jay gave him to me because he was about to die I think was a different no no I I was trying to feed it to my indigo stink because indigo snakes eat Eastern's in the wild so I was doing a video about indigo see the Easterns obviously that all failed I ended up feeding it to one of my cobras instead but anyways long story short I saved this guy I don't think he has a name either reasoning because it's like my seat he's in he's in shed right now
you see the blue on his eyes sees in blue phase right now so when snakes are regenerating their skin they go through a few phases so when they first start to shed their skin gets very on the lighter colored side their eyes get cloudy like they are right now you see there in the blue and then it may be like a day or two his eyes are gonna be completely clear again like nothing ever happens and then a couple days after that is when they're gonna actually shed their skin so there's a couple little processes with shedding I don't want to mess with this guy very much I don't want to irritate him on agitate him he's in shed he's a great manner and snake my other my other albino Easterns are psychopaths they won't be they would be trying to kill me right now if I had him out but this guy is not Oh of course as I say that he jumps off the table at Kayla China trying to test us here dude I just told you I was just telling everybody how good of a snake you are and now you gotta be a jerk it's cuz he's in shed normally when he's not in shed he's not that bad but now he's being a little bit of a he's just irritable he can't see very well right now all he sees is shadows so he's very scared of everything so I'm just gonna turn this light on in the cage I'm gonna try to safely double hook him double hooking it's definitely the best way to move a crazy little rattlesnake like this okay that way you can support both of his you just support both ends of his body nicely see he that has no idea
what's going on he's so this vision is so skewed so just like that no I'm gonna safely this cage like I said before this cage is that venomous in it for 10 years and it's had this duct tape on it I'm totally fine there's a piece of glass underneath there I ordered new pieces from vision they will be here shortly and then everything gets new gloss all right so that's the Eastern got one more little rattlesnake to go this one is also an awesome little rattlesnake one of my favorites so this is a Central American rattlesnake very cool this little guy got for a Marc McCarthy also and this one is actually partially striped so instead of having saddles like Easterns have this one has a stripe going down the middle of it which is pretty cool alright so before I take this little guy out I'm gonna give him a little high bottoms turn on his weight like that give them some water mm water bowl always on the other side of the heat light okay some of my cages like the swan cage which I'm gonna get more Squam soon and do a whole Squam set up I'm redoing the both of these cages my eyelash Viper the yellow one is gonna get a bioactive set up very shortly with these cages I have 25 watt bulbs in them and I like to keep the heat light on top of their water bowls reason being is they need higher humidity than a bunch of my other snakes so having the heat light over in the over top of their water bowl more evaporation more humidity works great these cages not the
case I do not want it very humid in these kind of humid I keep the humidity 5060 percent in these guys not 80 like these guys 50 watt bulbs water bowl on the other side of the heat so that way it's not a super humid tank even though Eastern and Central Americans need it on a little they like they like it a little bit of human obviously Easterns are down here Florida's pretty humid so we try to replicate that he is very cool yeah these guys are just they have very cool patterns they're like this see that that straight right down it look at that straight yes straight that goes all the way down his body he's got like a couple little saddles saddle saddle saddle one two three four little saddles and then the rest is a stripe now this guy's a little baby you can see his rattle is still really small this guy's maybe chez Tom even though maybe months old something like that little tiny guy very cool little owl snakes with all that white on them super cool give you a new cage man look at that everybody's getting pimped out today great some put these guys in there I'm gonna let them get acclimated for a couple days let this guy out feed everybody I got a new order actually ordered a shipment of rats and fuzzies and all that good stuff like three bags of chicks all that stuff would be here Wednesday and then hopefully the vision cages they'll be here soon too and then I'm gonna show you the rest of
the snake room because the the indigo snake he's getting upgraded he's going into a 4-foot vision a couple of these other snakes are getting moved around I got more I got right behind you I got some new cages I'm getting some new three footers over here this whole snake room is getting completely redone getting rid of all the babies in these Tupperware containers so everything is gonna have a nice big cage now and then I'm just gonna wait for to get my other my new baby cobras and then everything everything grows so all my smaller snakes I have to do I have to upgrade soon even the next upgrade move is gonna be upgrading my house because all the Aldabra 's and water monitors and all the other things everything is growing up needs more space so I gotta save all my pennies get a bigger place soon hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you guys like the new cages this new setup is gonna be sick waiting on new glass for these guys I'm holding on holding on to I'm just looking around hopefully I can find a female wagner's viper eventually for one of these visions the other vision I probably want to put a Maine Shannon have been looking for a baby Maine chamfer forever I just talked to my buddy Paul Miller about that the other day hopefully we find one this year Delta opens up everything everything close right now so it's really hard to find anything stay tuned make sure you subscribe turn on your notifications so you don't miss any of my videos thanks for being awesome OOP you guys are almost done with this quarantine I know we're gonna be open up really soon everything at Palm Beach County opened up today and I think my shop opens up next week so stay tuned go click down below this video I got sunshine state tattoo shirts down there and working on more merch right now I'm just been really busy and it's a pain in the ass honestly I do this all myself so later guys till next time [Music] [Music]