what's going on guys welcome back to another video now here i have a model 632 vision cage this is one of the biggest vision cages that is made um this is going to be my last little like tutorial on how i heat and light my vision cages so in this particular vision cage we are going to be putting a seal around the inside lip so snakes cannot crawl in there we're going to be adding lights inside of the cage as well and we are also going to be putting heat on this cage so hopefully you guys enjoy this video
alright guys so now normally when i do start this like you guys have seen in a couple of past videos that i've done i do use great stuff pawn and stone i am going to touch base on these again so these are insulated foam almost like a pool noodle but a lot smaller you can find these in your local hardware store um these are for insulating the copper pipes for like water heaters and things like that so i am going to show you guys um that you know again you can buy these if you prefer to do this it is a little cheaper of a route to do than it is um the great stuffed foam but you can just simply take this and this fits perfectly inside the lip of the cage so you guys can come over here and check this out the only reason i don't personally like it is because you can kind of see it past the lip of the cage here with the great stuff foam you can actually carve it back so it's flush with the lip of the cage and you cannot then see it so if you want to do that route you can again almost every hardware store or plumbing store does sell these so you can do that but i like the great stuff foam so i'm going to start with the bottom of this cage here um we're going to let that dry and then we're going to come back here in a little bit
alright guys so now that i've got the entire bottom and both sides foamed in again you can use the other stuff but i particularly like the foam and i'll show you really why here in a little bit it's time to put the lights in so again the lights that i use i will be putting in the uh description of the video so you guys can check them out um but it's pretty simple how i do do it which i'm going to just get everybody in here and get them all hooked up so you guys can see all right now you guys are going to come inside the cage here taking this first light here again using these awesome tools that you can get at your local hardware store but you want to make sure you fold this cord kind of behind the light so that you can work with it later now this light is too big to go in the tracks what i've been doing is simply anchoring or angling it where i want it taking the clamp and clamping the light down like so it'll stay hopefully no not stay sometimes it does take a couple of times to get it just right so there's one and there's two all right so now that this side is in you can go ahead and start foaming it or you can get the second side over here ready which is what i'm gonna do now so you guys can kind of see it from the other angle so this is now the other side just taking the clamp wedging it underneath the light making sure you want to relatively get the same angle on both the lights clamping that side down coming on over here doing the same thing on this side this way you have a light kind of aiming straight down or i know it's upside down right now but straight down and then one aiming it back now usually when these lights come some of them come with different length pieces but because these lights are kind of sitting off the back you can just simply take this excess and actually tuck it behind the light and you don't have to worry about seeing it so when i start foaming i usually start right here where the electrical outlet is coming out just to get that secure and then we move on to the next part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now you want to make sure you give this plenty of time to dry make sure that that foam on the outside is nice and hard i usually like to wait a good two to three hours before taking the clamps off because i did learn my lesson the hard way i took the clamps off too early the phone wasn't even i'm assuming halfway cured and it actually ended up pushing one of the lights out so i had to restart all over again so make sure you definitely leave the clamps on there for a couple hours with the lights and then we can move on after that take the clamps off and we'll start the wiring process all right guys so once the foam is all dry you move on to the next step which is going to be cutting the foam and like you've seen in the previous videos it's pretty simple with this foam you can cut it as flush as you want so you do not see the foam when you do look into the cage and that is why one of the biggest reasons why i don't like to use the insulation i like to use the great stuff foam so now that everything's nice
and flush all the foam is cut we can go ahead and move forward with the electrical work now for these guys it's pretty simple all i have to do is cut it just like that pull that out now one of the biggest problems a lot of people i notice have been running into i've gotten a lot of comments on the last two videos is or messages i should say not so much comments but messages is keeping the wire down once you drill it so i'm going to go ahead and drill the hole for this wire to leave the back of the tank so give me one second um if you guys want to come over here to get a closer look at this you can so i'm pretty much just going to put it right there boom so once i pass that through i can grab it from the under from underneath there so right here this problem you can see the wire is up a little bit still now you can pre-drill the hole from the other side and stick it in so a very simple solution to that fix is taking a smaller drill bit and i mean the smallest one that it will fit through and taking a tiny little zip tie now i know that sounds crazy but i promise it works so you're going to drill one hole on the front side of the wire and one hole on the back side of the wire and now you can take this zip tie pass it through one hole hang on i have to go into the cage for this next part and back through that hole and then you can see it's kind of around the wire there just simply tighten it down i can get my big freaking hands to do this yes i'm 6 10. i have big hands any day now well sometime today hey there we go i got it all right cool so now it's nice and tight come back come back stop leaving i know it's an interesting video and you want to stay and watch the whole thing but then you go ahead and cut that excess and now when you silicone it down the wire is pulled to the cage and i'll show you here in a little bit the profile of the zip tie on the top of the cage is next to nothing so we're gonna go ahead and silicone this down we're gonna let that dry and then move on to the next step so now you guys have seen me do you know the wiring in the past two videos uh so this one's gonna be a little different so because this is a longer cage the depth of this cage is a little bit longer and also the fact that this cage is going to be up high this is going to be the fourth cage on a stack i do want to make the cord a little bit longer so all the other videos i simply put this back on ran it down and that was it for this one i am adding a bit of an extension it's probably about a two foot extension um now the reason for this is so that it can reach down to the other power cable no problem um you can use as long as the wire is relatively the same gauge you can use the same type of wire this happened to be an extra one of these that i had i just simply cut it from here to here and now i have this so using the same technique like you saw in the last two videos i'm going to put these together and then we're going to plug it in so you guys can see what it looks like boom so there it is with two lights in it not just one with the extension cord as well now we're gonna bring this inside i'm gonna hook up the heat lights and i'm gonna talk to you guys a little bit about what i do for the heat lights for this particular cage
all right now depending on the reptile you're going to be keeping in the bigger visions they're actually the heat area or where you put the heat element for the lights is very large on this cage it literally comes from the front and runs all the way to the back so i tend to like the double fixtures you can put two fixtures in there if you want to separate them out a little bit more it's very convenient that's why i love these vision cages because they're so customizable literally the snake that's going here is a king cobra so i put the heat and the uvb bulb right next to each other it doesn't really bother um it doesn't really hurt having them next to each other i should say some people might choose to have like a heat light here and the uvb in the back or whatever or you can just put a heat light if you want so it just kind of depends on the reptile you're putting in here and also make sure you know your specs because you don't want to burn your reptiles with a heat light that's too much or uvb that's too much because yes you can burn reptiles with a uvb bulb that is too much for the distance between where that bulb is and the reptiles back so we're gonna set this heat light up we'll be right back all right guys so it's all set up if you want to come over here you can kind of see the heat light up under here works perfectly now again depending on what you like i like to keep the basking spot at anywhere between 85 to 90 degrees for the king cobra plus with the uvb lights because they are known to bask in them i know it's weird but i like my reptiles to have uvb so that's pretty much it it's pretty simple um doing the dual lights in an enclosure versus doing the one light in the enclosure again all of the links will be in the description for all the products i do use including the amazing vision cages i do absolutely love it um this is actually a newer one versus the older ones the newer ones actually have a lot more ventilation in them than the older ones which is pretty cool if you actually look right here this used to be a solid plastic piece but they actually cut it out and are now doing vents there too so you could even take like the computer fans the waterproof ones that a lot of people use on vivariums and put a couple on this since you know you have heat lights over here and it'll help the air circulate through the cage better food for thought so hopefully you guys did enjoy this video remember definitely check out vision cage as you guys know i absolutely love them have a lot of big things coming here in the future with a lot of these cages so subscribe if you are not already smash that like button if you haven't already and i'll see you guys in the next video big thank you to my awesome patreons as well if you guys would like to become a patreon definitely check out the link in the description below bye you