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Finding Freckle

By PeckTec on


okay so my first convention in over a year oddly enough is a reptile convention kerrigan and i are going to repticon in johnson city tennessee to pick out a new cold-blooded forever friend and we're inviting you along to join us in our adventure here we go [Music] um [Music] what's the millions a little baby [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] 250 that's a pretty good deal for something that size so i have to say that uh this convention was so much more of a retail experience than it is uh when i go to a typical fish thing

this was all about buying animals and buying equipment and stuff like that and that's fine a lot of fish events probably are like that too but it seemed like there was a little bit more education mixed in now there are a lot of coveted restrictions maybe i'm giving this an unfair uh maybe it's unfair to put that judgment on there but it was it was really different than what i'm typically used to i was thankful to see a lot of stuff in real life there's a lot of things that i only want to buy when i have it in person uh especially wood i'm really excited about wood obviously but there was some other pieces of equipment that i wanted to pick up because freckles very small uh especially we wanted to get a little tiny terrarium for uh just to grow him out a little bit he's a little too small to put in the final home but we picked up all that stuff when we headed out and had a pretty good time and a lot of the times baby crusty geckos they love the insects and they may prefer that over the pangaea so because of that i like to make sure that they're getting started off on the pangea they're getting that in their system they're getting used to it and they realize that that is a food source for them just to make sure that over time they're going to continue to so i brought home this little nano exoterra it's just a temporary enclosure to keep freckle in while we wait for the main terrarium to kind of season up and start to grow in i installed a thermostat on here it goes uh from 75 to about 79 or so it's got a little ceramic heater on the very top there's no light or anything just a ceramic heater some plastic plants and a little feeding dish and a water bowl and just some stuff to

hide in i put a little uh there's a little hide in there for him also uh freckle and i have gotten used to each other a little bit i haven't put a lot of effort into trying to catch him just because uh he's really fast as a young juvenile and my hands are really big so most of my interaction with freckle has been feeding it and of course i give it some worms twice a week and uh i'm putting the pangea in there with the uh and phil refilling the water bowl and just taking care of it misting misting the terrarium down a couple of times a day to make sure the humidity stays up and uh just keeping them as comfortable as i can until i move them into this bigger enclosure so crested geckos they actually as they move around they secrete ascent so what i'm going to try to do is i'm going to slowly pull some things out of here and i'm going to go ahead and include them in here if i can that now the placement won't be permanent this will just be something that smells like him inside of this terrarium to maybe make him feel a little bit better and hopefully hopefully it works we'll see i have never picked freckle up once i've never touched him or anything i don't know if he's gonna flip out i'm scared he's gonna drop his tail as soon as i'm touching i'm told that it doesn't happen quite that easily but i don't know i've still been a little scared to to do anything this little this tank in here definitely has an aroma this is this is the bringing back lip memories of keeping lizards all the stuff i really hated about keeping lizards just how stinky they could be inside of inside of here it just smells like the forest so i'm hoping that we'll have some more of that

and less of the funk that's going on in here now i don't know what it's going to do if it's going to flip out and run away a whole lot i'm going to slowly just start kind of removing things and putting them in here i think this will actually fit right in the back here oh yeah the glass is so clean i just screamed my hand right into it like one there if i can find a way to get some of this stuff in there without destroying what i already have that doesn't look too weird i guess i'll just toss that in here oh a little isopod running around inside you can't even see it all right he's wedged himself up into the glass here i want to grab his hide out i probably should put his hide in there too but it's not really going to go with anything i don't know what to do hey okay so he's gonna instantly go around behind this thing so i'll just have to keep removing obstacles for myself as i go along and he's going to get more and more agitated oh there's poop all over the walls no wonder it stinks in there this i'm definitely not going to put it it's crap okay buddy um oh it's so soft maybe if you get on the ground it'll probably make it easier i'm not worried about him biting like a

or anything like that i just don't want him to yeah you can actually come out if you want just be kind of slow okay just try to get under him it's okay gently hold oh god they just immediately jumps come on i don't want this to be a whole big thing for you buddy okay so now the new plan is to get him down if i could just get him down underneath the okay come on and you can just jump into there if you want oh he's so pretty look how pretty he is he feels soft jumped right up in the back you see him all right so he is settling into his new environment it's only been a couple of days and i haven't been able to get very many shots of him kind of wandering around inside of there uh i'm hoping that he does all right i i hope that i've put him in there at the appropriate sides where he can find his food kind of take care of himself and stuff i i think you'll be fine you should be should be in good shape in there but that's all i got for you this week uh i guess i'll check back with you later of course we'll be updates to let you know how freckle is doing inside of here uh it's a beautiful little lizard though and i'm i'm really glad that i decided to uh to pick him up till next time follow your bliss keep it clean terrarium and i'll see you soon hey folks and no doubt [Music] all right so in my first my first convention since covent started as a oddly enough a reptile convention we're gonna go find a new cold-blooded forever friend at repticon 2021 we've got my cohort here uh she's gonna help me pick out a nice friendly lizard it wasn't see it okay so my first convention i'm spitting

About PeckTec

Sean Peck (PeckTec on YouTube) uses a Seamless Sump filter system to clean his 220-gallon freshwater planted display aquarium.

Sean's tank is a freshwater planted tank with a seamless sump system. Sean really wanted to solve the issue of filtering a really large aquarium. Sean actually interviewed members of Custom Aquariums staff and that is where Sean learned about Custom Aquariums seamless sump system and is quite impressed.

Pecktec posts videos every Sunday about his aquarium projects, so stay tuned!

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