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Psychotic False Water Cobra! Venomous Training

By Tyler Nolan on

Handling venomous/poisonous animals is dangerous and should only be performed by licensed professionals.

Owning venomous snakes, reptiles, etc. might not be legal in your State/County/City. Please contact your local DNR for more information.


 because that's a little better plating  how's the lady waiting decent bland on  way no it's really crappy outside  storming storming all day gets a little  dark in this room  but anyways what's up guys Tyler Nolan  welcome to freakin show  [Music]  [Music]  so look he's back Alex I don't know if  you guys remember him from previous  videos this is Alex he's doing venomous  hours here he was doing them for a few  months beforehand then he wants to go  work with Jay for a little bit and I  lost him he had you too busy bro  visit that's a sweet mustache that was  who whoa calling the tickler man I gotta  I gotta shave my thing then we could be  mustache brothers  so anyways alex is back over here with  me we're gonna start back up on his  hours now he's not over at the jungle  anymore now he's working for FWC  catching big-ass Burmese pythons in the  Everglades you just do Burmese pythons  are just any big invasive stuff yeah but  it's mostly Burmese and they ever do I  know there's huge Burmese pythons down  here the record right now is what 14

 feet a few people 18 feet Jason's got  we're gonna try to beat that we're gonna  get 24 I think we can find a twenty-five  twenty foot or twenty twenties is the  goal so we're gonna go out soon I'm  gonna do a we're gonna do a Python  hunting video on here so I think that's  fun that's um that's some straight-up  Florida stuff and I love for stuff  obviously so today we're going to  default water Cobra down here we're  gonna take mouth talk about it do a  couple things  hope we don't get bit he's a he's an on  he's a venomous snake  he's a rear fang venomous snake so we're  gonna get him out not deadly  nothing too crazy you're going with that  little look hey I got that little hook  abhi all right so yeah we've got a new  cage right here this is a three foot  vision cage yeah we're gonna move on so  we got them in this little two-foot ER  now  they get pretty big I'll go over that in  a bit but he's definitely outgrown that  two-foot vision so this three foot  vision is gonna be pretty good for him  from probably the next year and you know  eventually whether it's a male or female  not sure I got to sex him out again I'm  gonna move them to one of these four  foots  but for now we're just gonna move them  into the  so first time back doing a venomous in a  while a little bit what I want you to do  is I want you to open up the cage and  then you're gonna take him out this is a  great beginner venomous snake for to  training with the reason why I like  using false water cobras or Indigo's are  even better because the indigo it will  bite you and it's not gonna hurt I mean  it's gonna teeth are gonna hurt a little  bit you can ask you office about that a  little bit by the end ago but he has not  been bitten by that false water cover  yet yeah I say yeah because it might  happen but even if it does happen that  false lark over ain't gonna kill you  no let's put stuff in that cage here in  a minute but right now I just want you

 to open up the glass now see what you  just did you just opened it with your  hands  remember always open up the glass with a  tool I'm gonna give you this is gonna be  like a little refresher course  so like freshen up your your venomous  handling that's rule number one though  you never open up a venomous cage you  see me do it all the time but you'll end  up with no fingers like me so don't do  that I do it I'm a trained professional  Alex is starting he's got to do it  outright so you always open up the glass  where they hook so let's get that little  guy out he's very feisty you see that  hood see how he flattens out false water  cobras they flatten out their skin they  flag out their body like a cobra they  just do not they don't rear up they  don't they don't hold their bodies up in  the air they stayed horizontal so  remember go for that back loop get his  tail out nicely grab him by the tail and  then we'll get him out yeah see how he's  a jerk there's a snake definitely  playing around and now that you almost  have him out he does look like a male  got a very long tail  he hasn't been growing too fast if he  was a female he would be a lot bigger  hey go  oh just for me let's hold him right on  the floor like that yeah all right just  let him chill for a little bit yeah if  he's gonna flail around as a psychopath  with your your dancin Alex whoa look at  that he just must spit water right out  of it all right get over here hey sorry  look at him looking fight in the carpet

 dude you are crazy  what are you doing relax man relax  he's muskan everywhere he's spitting  look he just grabbed the carpet right  there crazy little snake so this is  false water  Cobra he is real freaking mean now they  are they are chewers also he does not  have front fixed things like a laughing  dude this is not an elapid this is not a  true Cobra does this look at me sucking  jerk yeah what a mean freakin boss water  cover normally honestly this is a  horrible example males tend to be a  little bit meaner I mean I've only had a  few males and they're always meaner than  the females so the big females that I  have had in the past we're always  sweethearts for some reason but anyways  normally they are very chill snakes that  are in the pet trade a lot of other  states you can just buy them online you  can buy them at any pet store like I  said this is not an elapid it is it is a  rear Fang venomous snake the venom is  not deadly it's not even bad at all it  is very uncomfortable it's very  uncomfortable with front things that's  going to just bite and let go real fast  when this guy bites you you see how he  did with the carpet there chewers there  river fangs so they don't really they  don't  have the capability of injecting a more  potent venom easily with those front  fangs these guys have several teeth in  the back that they need to do more of a  chew to envenomate their prey so  definitely don't have the best response  or the best delivery system definitely  July chill out dude  now if I were to try to try to grab him  anywhere else if think we just turn  around and grabbing in the arm and start

 chewing they're jerks so this is a South  African snake South African colubrid  okay they they like it really wet  honestly they live in the marshlands and  rice paddies and they're known they like  to swim a lot this guy is always in his  water bowl so I'm gonna make sure I give  them a nice big water bowl on that cage  right there hopefully he'll grow a  little faster Manuel stop freaking shoo  on that one hmm yeah maybe it'll be me  that gets bit before you Alex yeah I  mean he's a decent colored one he's  actually he's pretty dark for her false  water a lot of times they're a little  bit on a lighter color he's definitely  had a little wet on the darker side but  he's a jerk he doesn't look at them flat  noting that now you see how they stay  more horizontal they don't really they  don't stand up and hook like other  cobras so Jesus that was close you see  how close he got to my hand sure came  right up after me are you freaking relax  bro Oh God  wait me in the freaking me crazy  crazy little snakes they're really cool  though they're easy to breed I used to  have a pair back in the day they used to  freedom Lisa Stillman underground this  is before Florida had them on the  venomous list back in the day when I  grew up working with snakes and I grew  up work in the underground you did not  need a venomous permit to have a false  water Cobra you'd be just going to a  store and buy one now you have to have a  permit but honestly I think it's it's  whatever it's  it's honestly kind of stupid but I get I  get it you can have them anywhere else  like California you don't have to have a  license in a bunch of other places you  don't have to lie to have a license at  all but Florida is a little bit  different so I am going to let him go  actually you know what let's set this  cage up first price to check this out so  you hope you got this set up here he

 like I've got the hide boxes in there  and then I used this Sterilite for his  water bowl so it's not just a water bowl  they also hang out in the water a lot  like false water Cobras they're known to  just sit in their water bowls all the  time that's what he does he likes to sit  in the water for the most part so it's  got to be bigger  cuz he's getting bigger so he's got a  little room to chill all right now let's  take this Hydra nasties gigas out of  here  that's scientific for it you guys didn't  know another reason  Cobras Nagas most obviously king cobra  is not Naga but king cobra is also not  technically a cobra I don't know if you  ever knew that technically a king cobra  is not a Cobra newsflash anyways back to  this pulse water there you go get him  out there out  go just like that by the tail midsection  moisture smooth right there and now just  like before came right at your head  right there bro see this is why training  with false water Cobras is great because  you see how that Cobra just came back or  that snakes just came back around tried  to go for his hand it's pretty much what  you want to do what was that thing with  the hook watch his heads he's coming  back at you he's like him coming back oh  man you go nice and close  bada-bing bada-boom you did it get past  that's it all right well we're gonna get  back to doing things in the snake room  just wanted to do a little false  water-cooler video his first day back  glad to be back  yep back in the Sunshine State is there

 more to come I feel like we're going to  do some more training videos definitely  do more handling videos obviously  practicing safe handling with these guys  I do not freehand anything with them  everything is with hooks and done safely  until your ears on years and years from  now when you have your own [ __ ] you  could do whatever you want with it but  when you're in my house we other things  safely what else are we gonna be doing  soon I'm pretty stoked about oh I'm  gonna make a video about how to get your  venomous license seeing your house so  many people ask me all the time every  time I answer my emails there is at  least 10 to 15 emails from people but  hey I have a corn snake hey I don't even  have any snakes but I want to get some  venomous I'm gonna make a video just for  those questions and tell you how I feel  about that so stay tuned for that and  much more make sure you like comment  subscribe to this video comment down  below till next time  my sweaty never really understand me I  need it coming like I need a Grammy  cheers to Florida designer page to the  red lines from the patter British to  expensive dishes now begins with you  snooping hitters you design amazing for  the bank I think I know better dies the  penitentiary thanks guys my inside is  him mighty flashy with a bird side  triple chance to get my pocket letters  and I get the balusters for hot as I see  bucket pass the best I can you see buddy  critic and a cloudy at a poison ivy  before my destroyer gonna cosign me I  don't even like mean on severing the  memory please Nick  

About Tyler Nolan

Sunshine State Tattoo owner, Tyler Nolan, has been doing what he loves since 2005. He has won multiple awards among a long running list of conventions around the world, and is internationally recognized.

He is a pet owner and hobbyist as well, and owns a number of species of lizards such as iguanas, water monitors, and gila monsters; and venomous snakes, including bush vipers, cobras, false water cobras, Eastern Indigo snakes, puff adders, rattlesnakes, and more.

Check out Tyler Nolan Tattoo’s channel for some informative and exciting videos about venomous snakes and lizards!

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