Model 433 Cage Shelf


SKU: model-433-shelf Category:


The Vision cage shelf unit is designed to make moving and maintaining a lot of cages easy. A cage can be removed from the shelf without needing to unstack them. It also comes and wheels making it simple to move from place to place.

You can buy the shelving units by themselves or with 3 of our Model 433 Cages. You can also chose to get the shelf, cages, and the complete décor package with photo scenery backgrounds, bark bedding, bowls, roots, plants, and more!

You can get just the shelf or get the shelf and 3 Model 433 cages, or the full décor package including bark, roots, plants, bowls, and more. See full package comparison.
Give your shelf an extra back support bracket. We recommend this if the shelf will be moved often.
Give your shelf an extra set of side support brackets. We recommend this if the shelf will be moved often.
Include power strips for heating and lighting that can be mounted to the support brackets. One can be mounted to each back support bracket. Make sure you have enough support brackets for your power strips.

Buying cage décor and accessories will cost more in shipping to order later, order now with your cage and get FREE SHIPPING!

Get free shipping on up to 6 bags of bark.
Get free shipping on up to 3 roots.
Get free shipping on up to 3 locks.
Get free shipping on up to 3 locks.
Get free shipping on up to 3 debris stoppers.
Get free shipping on up to 3 bowl/hide combos.
Get free shipping on up to 6 bowls.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Height 78.5 in
Length 51.75 in
Depth 30.625 in
Height Including Top Cage

96 in

Maximum Cages

3 Cages


Plastic – ABS, Steel – Powder Coated



Cage Height


Cage Length


Cage Depth


Package Comparison

Shelf Only


Shelf + Cages


Complete Package

Model 433 Cage Shelf
Model 433 Cages33
Cage Door Sets33
Background Images3
Bark Bedding Bags6
Medium Cedar Roots6
Assorted Plants6
Large Food / Water Bowl3
Extra Large Food / Water Bowl3
Reptile Cage Liners90
Configure Shelf Only Configure Shelf + Cages Configure Complete Package

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